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Monday, June 26, 2017

5 Ways To Know A Evil and Wicked Person

As Christian counselors, pastors and people helpers we often have a hard time discerning between an evil heart and an ordinary sinner who messes up, who isn’t perfect, and full of weakness and sin.

I think one of the reasons we don’t “see” evil is because we find it so difficult to believe that evil individuals actually exist. We can’t imagine someone deceiving us with no conscience, hurting others with no remorse, spinning outrageous fabrications to ruin someone’s reputation, or pretending he or she is spiritually committed yet has no fear of God before his or her eyes.

The Bible clearly tells us that among God’s people there are wolves that wear sheep’s clothing (Jeremiah 23:14; Titus 1:10; Revelations 2:2).

 It’s true that every human heart is inclined toward sin (Romans 3:23), and that includes evil (Genesis 8:21; James 1:4).

We all miss God’ mark of moral perfection. However, most ordinary sinners do not happily indulge evil urges, nor do we feel good about having them. We feel ashamed and guilty, rightly so (Romans 7:19–21).

These things are not true of the evil heart. Here are 5 Things with an evil heart rather than an ordinary sinful heart and how to differently treat them

  1). Evil hearts are experts at creating confusion and contention.
They twist the facts, mislead, lie, avoid taking responsibility, deny reality, make up stories, and withhold information. (Psalms 5:8; 10:7).

2). Evil hearts are experts at fooling others.
But if you look at the fruit of their lives or the follow through of their words, you will find no real evidence of godly growth or change. It’s all smoke and mirrors. (Psalms 50:19; 52:2,3).

  3). Evil hearts crave and demand control.
They reject feedback, real accountability, and make up their own rules to live by. They use Scripture to their own advantage but ignore and reject passages that might require self-correction and repentance. (Romans 2:8; Psalms 10).

4). Evil hearts play on the sympathies of good-willed people.
 They demand mercy but give none themselves. They demand warmth, forgiveness, and intimacy from those they have harmed with no empathy for the pain they have caused and no real intention of making amends or working hard to rebuild broken trust. (Proverbs 21:10; 1 Peter 2:16; Jude 1:4).

5). Evil hearts have no conscience, no remorse.
They do not struggle against sin or evil—they delight in it—all the while masquerading as someone of noble character. (Proverbs 2:14–15; 10:23). If you are relating with anyone exhibiting these traits, be very careful. They try to pretend like Their actions have no serious consequences.
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Sunday, June 25, 2017

[MUSIC] Sweetkiz - Tatie {Prod. by Mr.Mezz}

LESTAT recording artist, Sweetkiz whose growth has depended less on hype, but mostly on his God given talent and ability to deliver HIT Songs, Now presents his New track, Titled Tatie, Produced By Mr. Mezz, which is now available on

Download and enjoy!

Click here to DOWNLOAD
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Friday, June 23, 2017

Consequences of Too Much Sugar In Woman

A nutritionist, Michele Chevalley Hedge, has warned that uncontrolled sugar consumption can lead to a series of complicated health problems that can culminate in infertility among women.

She says one of the diagnosis that women struggling to get pregnant could receive is that they have Polycystic ovarian syndrome.

She warns that in a lot of cases, affected women struggle to fall pregnant without knowing the cause, and are usually later given an upsetting PCOS diagnosis by their doctors.

She said this condition is present in up to 21 per cent of women diagnosed in her clinic, while about 70 per cent of women with the condition remain undiagnosed in the general population.

“The condition (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) can present a number of symptoms — from reduced fertility or absent ovulation to mood changes, obesity and/or acne.

“And despite it being increasingly common, doctors are still unsure of the exact cause,” she notes.

She adds that while there are some cases with unknown causes, some are thought to be linked to sugar consumption.

“I’ll tell you what’s happening and what we see often in our clinical practices. Women between the ages 27 and maybe 37… and these women can often be slim women.

“They might be slender and they may have been able to get away with eating lots of junk food and hidden sugars.

“They’re not thinking about their hormones; all they’re thinking about is contraception.

“And then, all of a sudden, they start to think about coming off it and thinking about having a baby.”

Michele says that in a lot of cases, these women struggle to fall pregnant and are later given an upsetting PCOS diagnosis from their doctors.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome can, however, be corrected just through the use of food, she says.

“Sugar is a culprit in many disease processes and conditions, we know that. It’s not the natural sugars, it’s the hidden sugars in some so-called healthy foods.”

The nutritionist also reveals that the blood work done on many women with PCOS also shows abnormal blood glucose which, she also says, can be corrected.

She warns, however, “I’m not saying every woman with PCOS can be cured from food, but what I am saying is people need to be investigating;” adding that she believes at least half of cases could stem from too much sugar and be eased through a diet change.

“Lifestyle changes — such as eating a healthy, balanced diet and introducing regular physical activity into your weekly routine — can have a positive effect on your health in so many ways.

“For women who have PCOS, a healthy lifestyle can lead to an improvement in symptoms, particularly if your new lifestyle helps you to lose weight,” the specialist counsels.
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See New Stunning Photos of Popular Actress, Anita Joseph

Anita Joseph is wearing a new look and she released these photos yesterday.

Seriously, the actress is cute..

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Prayer of The Day!

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Check Out The 5 Reasons Why Self Talking Is Not a Significant of Madness

It has long been described as a sign of madness, before scientists found that it was far from it. Talking to yourself or self-talk is an action that not only helps you materialize your thoughts, but also helps you make better sense of things.

Here are 5 reasons why talking to yourself is anything to be call craziness.

1). It Speeds Up Your Brain
Talking to yourself can actually help you complete tasks faster and helps improve your accuracy and performance. Repeating to yourself what you need to find or accomplish helps spark your memory and speeds up the rate at which your brain works in helping to accomplish the task. Talking to yourself also helps improve your self-control, reduces impulsive behavior and even helps improve your decision making.

2). It Helps You Organize Your Thoughts
When you’re confused or when it seems like your thoughts are running rampant through your mind, talking to yourself help you organize these wild and confusing thoughts. Conversing with yourself, especially when there’s no one around to really talk to, help you get a grip and clarify your thoughts enough to tend to what’s important and make decisions on whatever you’re contemplating.

3). It Helps To Improve Focus and Behaviour
Talking yourself through tasks helps improve your focus and helps you to better adjust your behavior to suit the work at hand. Verbally announcing each step of a task to yourself can actually help you perform much better at it because of improved focus, and it also makes it easier for you to set goals for yourself. So, next time you need to carry out a tasking, tricky or confusing project, try giving yourself verbal directions (in other words, try talking yourself through it). You’ll notice that your spoken statements actually help you determine what your next move should be, and what behavior you will need to complete the project.

4). It Helps You Feel Less Anxious
Giving yourself a quick talk out loud when you need to calm your nerves helps relax you, makes you less anxious and actually increases your chances of performing better. Talking or conversing with yourself before a stressful event can help you relax. Using second person phrases or pronouns during your ‘self-talk’ does a lot in helping you build confidence; this is because talking to yourself with second person pronouns helps create a psychological distance from the event, which allows you manage your nervous and anxious emotions much better.

5). It Can Improve Your Success Rate
Encouraging yourself out loud increases your chances of succeeding. Speaking positive and encouraging words to yourself especially when working to complete a task or achieve a goal, increases your chances of overall success in the task. Of course, this does not take the place of actual knowledge, hard work and effort, but it does make your odds of success a tad better. In addition, encouraging yourself is not enough; you have to take note of the pronouns you use to encourage yourself. Studies show that encouraging yourself with second person pronouns actually has greater benefit than first-person pronouns. Second person pronouns reminds you of not only of yourselves but of those who believed or believe in you, and this in turn gives you an ego boost as well motivates you and grows your confidence to keep pushing.
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Some Senseless Things Most Nigerians Do After An Accident Occur

Having an accident, fatal or not, is not something that anyone wants to encounter. Regardless, when it happens, you have to look for ways to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. This said, you expect some sane and normal actions taken by the people at the accident spot. However, for some Nigerians, it is different.

They completely do the opposite of what you expect and it can be very annoying.

Here are some of the seriously annoying and senseless things some Nigerians do after an accident.

1). They leave their car on the road
When you bashed another person's car, you find them arguing and exchanging angry words right in the middle of the road. They do not really care if their actions result in a long traffic or notorious queue. Why can't both of you get off the road and find a solution? In other cases, when a car has an accident, you still find it at that same spot for weeks.

2). Crowd the scene as if they are watching a movie
Imagine an accident scene and people simply gather round shouting, some crying, while others just watch what is happening like a movie. They will not allow the emergency services to work and in some circumstances, the police have to shoot in the air to disperse the crowd.

3). As an opportunity for some to "steal"
In a crowd, you find the good, the bad and the ugly. The mission of certain people is just to steal. They steal phones, wallets, and other valuables. They do not even care if it is the properties of the person involved in the accident. Unfortunate!

4). They started taking pictures
The technology age is here. The urge to take selfies and pictures have made some people become uncaring and unconcerned about others. At an accident scene, you find people taking pictures to post on social media just to get likes and comments. Meanwhile, an individual is lying there in a pool of blood.

5). They refuse to help the victims
This is probably the worse of all. You just wring in pain when you see people around you but they refuse to ferry you to the hospital or offer first aid. Sometimes, it is not their fault because the police may just come around and accuse you of something you do not know anything about. Nigerians prefer to wait until the emergency services and police arrive. But at that short time, a precious life may be lost. Let us lend a helping hand.
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Check Out This 5 Things Most Couples Get Wrong About Money And Possible Solution's To It

“Want to head to the mall with me?” my friend asked one Friday evening.

“Actually, I do need stuff for the kids,” I said. “Great sales are going on.”

I hopped in her car and she began, “I’m so mad at Jim. I’m actually furious. Ignoring my point of view, with most of our credit cards maxed out, he put a down payment on a boat. He knows how I feel about that. But he did what he wanted.”

My friend’s money disagreements were as familiar to me as our shopping trips. Gene and I had the same misalignments of our priorities. I was the saver and he the spender. And we, too, had the same arguments.

“So,” my friend continued, “I think I’ll show him that I can also spend money. In fact, I will get that ring I’ve been wanting for a long time. If he can do what he wants, so can I.”

Should a financial counselor have been riding in the back seat, no doubt, he would have given his professional assessment. And the truth about relationships and money would have been echoing loudly.

So often, as experts agree, money is often misused, abused and used to accuse. In the case of my friend, the boat and the ring were weapons to be used against each other.

Gene and I had to work hard to overcome that struggle and set up a budget. But sadly, my friend’s marriage ended in divorce before the last payment on the boat was made.

Unchecked differences in handling money that lead to discord are Satan’s effective weapons. They cause emotional separation from the one to whom we said “I do.”

But what we do instead is bring our relationship in the red when we do these five things:

1). Being Convinced Money Means Security
That was me. I had come from Bolivia. And with scarcity of every aspect, money to buy food had been a priority. Therefore, making sure we had a nice savings cushion was vital for me. And when Gene wanted to invest our savings in a business venture, I cringed at the risk. I resisted and he felt stifled by my lack of vision.

Fights and more fights dampened our romance. He was unhappy because I put a stop to his seemingly sound financial decisions. And I felt dismissed because he didn’t heed my warnings.

I changed. My eyes had to be focused on God as my true provider and source of my security. And I began seeking His wisdom to guide Gene’s financial decisions. I trusted more in God to shield us as we remained true to our tithing commitment.

2). Choosing to Have Separate Accounts
Today more than ever, assertions of our own individuality are encouraged and keeping his and hers accounts is a popular concept. But does this separation truly reflect the union God instructs in marriage?

Popular author and radio host, Dave Ramsey writes, “Marriage is a partnership. The preacher said, ‘and now you are one.’ Both parties need to be involved in the finances. Separating the money and splitting the bills is a bad idea.”

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

Realize that it’s illogical to be one flesh, one heart, and one in goals, but two in finances.

3). Using Money as a Symbol of Status, Prestige, or Success
Wayne and Mary* had returned from a counselor session. Their problem that had separated them for over a year had surged because of Wayne’s drive to create a specific status.

The relentless climb to the top of his company had blinded him from seeing how he had neglected his family. His frequent business trips and long hours in the office created distance between he and Mary. The more she expressed the need to have him home and be part of the children’s lives, the more he resisted.

His goal was to become a successful executive and thus, be a better provider for the family. And for the children, he would set an example of hard work needed to succeed.

They both came to a point of reconciliation when God became their focus. They made Him the Lord of their lives. Wayne recognized his mistaken values and goals. Mary realized the demands she made upon him without first seeking God’s intervention.

4). Avoiding Discussing the Topic
No spouse enjoys tension, fights, or disagreements. And to stay away from the unpleasant encounters, couples have chosen to ignore the elephant in the room. Often it’s so big others notice it, but they choose to overlook it. Couples who avoid confrontation often end up with resentment stored inside until it leads to financial ruin or emotional disaster.

The Bible says in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”

Many times, in order to “make” peace, issues need to be aired out, details analyzed, emotions and feelings shared. Peace cannot reign when emotions of resentment, worry, and fear rumble inside. Peace brushes a relationship when open communication, kind understanding, and committed obedience to God’s ways rule in a marriage.

5). Placing Blame
How good it feels to put the blame on the other spouse because in a distorted sort of way, it gives us a way out. Blaming the other sets us free to say, “It’s not me; it’s you who’s the problem.” And in doing so, the real “us” is revealed.

“How couples handle money says a lot about how they see themselves,” says Joan Atwood, a New York marriage and family therapist and professor of counseling and mental health professions at Hofstra University.

Blaming our spouse speaks of our own anxiety and inability to be open to a reasonable solution.

And to make it worse, “…opposites often attract. Spenders attract hoarders, and worriers attract avoiders,” Dr. Atwood said.

“Even in relationships where styles are similar, one partner may push the other into change. Spenders will fight to be the super-spender, thus forcing the other to become more of a hoarder in order to set a boundary,” she said.

Then blame fuels the flame that turns into the fire of resentment.

No one but God can change a person. And He begins that change when we choose to apply love, the genuine love outlined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.”

- In our 40 years of marriage, at one time or another, Gene and I have fallen in each of these five traps. But when investing in our relationship, we bought stock in God’s Word. We receive dividends of His provision. We consistently deposit our tithes. And each month, we count on a large balance of God’s grace to carry us.
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Tech: WhatsApp Now Becoming The Most Prevailing Medium To Discuss and Discover News

A new study has suggested that popular instant messaging mobile app WhatsApp, is fast becoming the preferred medium to discuss and discover news. However, this situation does not hold true for all countries.

In a country like Malaysia, the number of people who used WhatsApp for news at least once a week stands at around 50 percent of the total population. But in countries like the United States or UK this number is three percent and five percent respectively.

The research was carried out by the Digital News Report and Reuters Institute For The Study of Journalism in over 34 countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia, in addition to Taiwan and Hong Kong, during which a total of of 71,805 people were questioned by YouGov in January and February to generate its data.

The results have indiated that Facebook is the most popular social media and messaging service for getting daily news. In Japan and South Korea, YouTube and Kakao Talk are the leaders for news engagement.

But sharing of stories and news content has appears to be the highest on WhatsApp. According to the report, WhatsApp is now the second most popular social service for news in nine of the 36 locations.

Explanations as to why this is possible is perhaps due to the end-to-end encryption which is offered by WhatsApp. It has also benefited from the fact that in much of Latin America and elsewhere mobile networks are offering unlimited data through which people are able to send and receive messages without charge.
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Court Sentenced Two Guys to Prison For Alleged Internet fraud

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, arraigned one suspected Internet fraudster, Folusho Oguntoyinbo, also known as Sydney, before Justice Hakeem Olatunde Oshodi of the Lagos State High Court sitting in Ikeja on a three-count charge bordering on possession of fraudulent documents and obtaining money by false pretence to the tune of N700, 000 (Seven Hundred Thousand Naira).

One of the counts reads:
"That you, Folusho Oguntoyinbo (a.k.a. Sydney) sometime in 2016 in Lagos within the Ikeja judicial division, with intent to defraud, obtained the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Naira from Roy Torgerson by falsely representing to him that you were Sydney A., female, which representations you knew to be false."

The 31-year-old suspected fraudster, however, pleaded not guilty when the charges were read to him. In view of his plea, the prosecution counsel, Ayanfeoluwa Ogunsina, asked the court for a trial date and pleaded that the accused be remanded in prison custody.

However, the defence counsel, M.O. Lawal, told the court of a pending application for bail of his client.

Justice Oshodi adjourned the matter to July 13, 2017 for hearing of the bail application and ordered the accused to be remanded in prison custody.

Meanwhile, the EFCC also arraigned a member of a syndicate of Internet fraudsters, Ojo Adedayo, a.k.a. Kate, before Justice Oshodi on a three-count charge bordering on possession of fraudulent documents.

One of the counts reads: “That you, Ojo Adedayo (a.k.a. Kate) sometime in 2016 in Lagos within the Ikeja judicial division, with intent to defraud, had in your possession a document titled "Me", which document you knew contained false pretence."

The 22-year-old suspect pleaded not guilty when the charges were read to him.
Justice Oshodi adjourned the matter to July 13, 2017 for hearing of the bail application and remanded the suspect in prison custody.

- Most who don't believe in following principles to get success end up in fraud or rituals. Sigh!
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Husband Died as Wicked Wife Sets House on Fire Because He Requested For Divorce (See Photos)

A married woman has left many bewildered after she set herself, her husband and their house on fire over a disagreement. The man died from serious burn injuries after his wife set him on fire because he demanded for a divorce.

Srey Mao, 28, and her husband Ma Yingfen, 51, from Hong Kong, had been arguing before the incident. On Tuesday afternoon they argued again and she stormed out and bought 10 small bottles of petrol.

She set herself on fire at around 12.30pm on Tuesday afternoon in the Boeung Keng Kang II commune area in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Her husband was badly affected by the fire which burnt their apartment.

Firemen rescued the couple from the burning apartment on the 4th-storey of the block. They later confirmed that Mr Yingfen died of his injuries in hospital while Srey Mao remained in hospital.

According to police, one of the neighbours who works as a motorcycle taxi driver saw the woman return to the room with five litres of petrol.

He told officers she “looked angry” and had “lost control” while the landlord had been trying to throw her out for several days.
The woman is currently being treated for her injuries and her condition is critical.

Even if she leaves the hospital alive, she could spend the rest of her life in prison.
That's what anger do cause.
Always keep calm and study situation before you react.
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"I'm Far Better Than I Was at Chelsea" - Liverpool Winger, Mohammed Salah Says

New Liverpool winger Mohamed Salah has said he believes his second spell in the Premier League will be better than the first as a result of the experience he gained playing for Roma.

Liverpool confirmed the signing of Salah on Thursday in a deal that could be worth €50 million, according to the Serie A side.

The winger had been close to joining Liverpool from Basel in January 2014, but instead opted to move to Chelsea.

But he had an unsuccessful spell at Stamford Bridge, making just 19 appearances in two seasons before moving to Fiorentina on loan in 2015 and signing permanently for Roma last summer after a loan spell.

Asked whether he returns to the Premier League as a better player, he told the official Liverpool website: "100 percent, yes.

"Everything [has improved]. Even my personality was different, I was a kid -- I was 20 or 21. Now I'm four years older. I have lots of experience in three clubs: I was at Chelsea, then Fiorentina and then Roma.

"I like to play here in the Premier League. I'm happy to be back and I'm excited."

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp said he believed the acquisition of Salah improves his side's already strong options in the final third of the pitch.

"Mohamed has the perfect mix of experience and potential -- this is a really exciting signing for us," he said.

"His pace is incredible, he gives us more attacking threat and we are already strong in this area. I like that he will make it even more competitive.

"Most important though, for us, is that he is hungry, willing and eager to be even better and improve further.

"He believes in what we are trying to do here at Liverpool and is extremely keen to be part of it."

Salah will wear the No. 11 shirt after Roberto Firmino agreed to switch to the No. 9 squad number, and he said: "I appreciate what Firmino did -- I have to thank him very much.

"I like the number 11. it was my number in Rome and also the national team before."
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

2017/2018 NECO English Language Answers



Because he believes that, the only way to control drugs is to regulate the sale of them.

The five weeks prison term made Scott suspend drugs for a period of time.

He had been without the drug for several weeks, and thus, his body could not take his normal dose.

His final shot contained an impurity – urine acetylcodeine.

By legalising the Supply of the drugs
By regulating the supply of the drug.

Adjectival clause
It tells more about Scott Douglas’ Father.

Because a government minister’s son or a member of the royal family has not died of drug abuse.

Because the world is a very painful place and drugs take off the reality.

i)Staunch – firm
ii)Firmly – strongly
iii)Inquiry – research
iv)Concedes – admit
v)Associates – partners

6a)By words and example parents could teach their children to form good health habits, resulting in better health.

6b)By concentrating on eating good food rather than Modern processed food.

6c)By maintaining ones weight by not overeating.

6d)By reducing eating of refined food which have been stripped of much of their nutritional value.

6e)By drinking plenty of water and other unsweetened liquid everyday.

3)write a story that best illustrates the saying: A leopard cannot change its spots.

The leopard is identified and has exclusivity only because of its spots. Similarly we cannot change the basic characteristic that one is endowed with. It may seem to disappear from time to time but will soon resurface. This can be explained with the following story from the Panchatantra.
Once there was a jackal that went to a village in search of food and accidentally fell into a tub containing blue colour dye. The jackal looked pretty strange since it was blue in colour and all the animals in the forest ran away in fright. The animals in the forest called for a meeting to discuss about strange looking animal – not realizing that it was only the Jackal.
They unanimously decided to keep away from the blue creature.
The cunning jackal decided to take advantage of the situation and declared that he was sent to earth by God to rule over as the King of the forest and asked all the animals to obey him. The frightened animals agreed immediately. The jackal was scared that his fellow jackals might find out his true identity and banished all of them from the kingdom.
The poor jackals had nowhere to go and were very upset. They guessed that the strange blue creature was indeed a jackal and wanted to teach him a lesson for treating his fellow beings so badly.
They came up with a plan. The oldest and wisest of them said. “Let us all howl collectively. If he is a jackal then he cannot resist his innate nature and he too will start howling.” All these jackals waited for an opportunity to reveal the natural characters of the Blue Jackal to other animals in the forest. As waited for, the opportunity came for their help.
So one day when the Blue Jackal was presiding over his court, all the banished jackals started howling together. The Blue jackal forgot for a moment that IT was THE King and responded immediately. When the other animals realized that they had been cheated by the cunning jackal they pounced on him and chased him away.
However the jackal tried to cheat other animals in the forest, the fact it was nothing but only a jackal came to light for the simple reason that the jackal could not conceal its natural tendency.
The leopard can not change his spots.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

2017/2018 NECO Economics Answer





Year | Cocoa | Crops palm oil | Cotton | Total(#)
1970 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 500
1971 | 150 | 75 | 225 | 450
1972 | 250 | 200 | 150 | 600
Total = #1550m

Percentage = 150/600 * 100
= ¼ * 100
= 25%

Degree = palm oil expert in 1971 * 360°
Total expert in 1971
= 75/450 * 360°
= 60°

A = 15
B =15 + 13 = 28
C = 20/3 = 6.7
D = 40 – B = 40 – 28 = 12
E 70/4 = 17.5
F = 20/5 = 4
G = 17 * 6 = 102
H = 82 – 60 = 22
I = 113/7 = 16.1
J = 19.5 * 8 = 156

Draw the Graph

As output rises, the AFC decreases and the curve the represents it would slope downward from left to right.


Trade union is an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

i)Trade Unions working for the Progress of the Employees: The trade unions try to improve the economic conditions of the workers by representing their cases to the employers and try to get adequate bonus to the workers.
ii)Safeguarding the Interests of the Workers: Most of the industries try to exploit the workers to the maximum. They do not provide any benefits such as increasing their wages, granting sick leaves, giving compensation in case of accidents, etc.
iii) Increasing Co-operation and Well-being among Workers: It is in this context that the trade unions come into the picture and they promote friendliness and unity among the workers. Besides this, the trade unions also discuss the problems, which are common to all the workers.
Iv )Establishing Contacts between the Workers and the Employers: The trade unions play an important role in bringing to the notice of the employers the difficulties and grievances of the employees. They try to arrange face-to-face meetings and thus try to establish contacts between the employees and the employers.

i)picket lines
ii) strike

A tariff is a tax imposed by a government on goods and services imported from other countries that serves to increase the price and make imports less desirable, or at least less competitive, versus domestic goods and services

i)Infant Industries
ii)National Defense
iii)Domestic Employment
iv)Aggressive Trade Practices
v)Environmental Concerns

Elasticity of supply is measured as the ratio of proportionate change in the quantity supplied to the proportionate change in price

i)Possibility of Substitution:
The change in supply in response to the change in price depends on the possibility of substitution of a product for others. If the market price of potato rises, resources will be shifted from there cultivation like tomato and employed in the cultivation of potato.
ii)Infrastructural facilities:
The expansion of supply of a commodity also depends on the availability of productive facilities and inputs. The agricultural producer can not increase in response to the rise in price unless there is sufficient flow of fertilizers, irrigation etc.
iii)Producers response:
The elasticity of supply for a product depends on the producers’ responsiveness to the change in its price. The quantity supplied of a commodity will not change if the producers do not react positively to the increase in prices.
iv)Marginal Cost:
Elasticity of supply of a commodity depends on the marginal cost of production. The elasticity of supply of a commodity would be less if the marginal cost of production goes up. In the short run, diminishing marginal returns operates as some factors are fixed.

Production is incomplete without distribution because the main aim of production is to satisfy human wants. When the link between the producers and the consumers is absent, then the aim is defected.

i)The quantity and quality of factors of production (I.e land, labor, capital and entrepreneur). For example, amount of capital determines the labor to be hire and raw materials to be bought.
ii)The size of market: This is the extent to which the products are demand.
iii)The nature of the product: If the goods are durable in nature, more can be produced and stored.
iv)Availability of raw materials: This will determine the quantity of good to be produced.
v)Government policy: This has to do with the nature of economic policy of the government. The more favorable the government economic policy, the more they volume of goods to be produced and vice versa.

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See Photos of Femi Adesina as His Pilot Son Flies Him For The First Time

See photo below..

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